HERITAGE AT RISK: The Tower of Palidoro (Roma)

(Tempo di lettura: 2 minuti)
The Tower of Palidoro (photo credits Centumcellae News )

The Romano Coast section of the Italia Nostra association has included the Tower of Palidoro in its Red List of Cultural Heritage in Danger.
The tower is part of the dunal system of Passoscuro/Palidoro, which belongs to the National Natural Reserve of the Romano Coast.

The Tower of Palidoro with the stele in memory of Salvo D’Acquisto (photo credits OstiaTV)

The association has decided to register the site because of its high representative value, not only in historical terms but also for its memorial relevance.
In fact, in front of the tower, stands a stele dedicated to Salvo D’Acquisto, a Carabiniere who died on September 23, 1943, in the attempt to save civilian lives from a Nazi mass-shooting.

di Nicola Ferrante (Master in Cultural Property Protection in Crisis Response)

Fonte: AgCult

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