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Art and antiquities crossing borders: whose law wins?

(Tempo di lettura: < 1 minuto)

During the interesting webinar Art and antiquities crossing borders: whose law wins? experts will discuss transactions involving art and heritage assets that can give rise to issues of great complexity, beginning with the return to Iran of a Persian limestone fragment from New York.

  • How do private international rules deal with the fact that different countries have different laws on the passing of title to assets?
  • What is the impact of public international law, and domestic systems of law dealing with restitution?
  • What were the facts of this particular case, and why was it decided the way it was?
  • Does it matter where a dispute is litigated?  What other factors might affect the outcome?
  • Practical issues when dealing with questions of provenance
  • The role of limitation
  • The role of due diligence 


Alexander Herman (Assistant Director of the Institute of Art and Law)

Fionnuala Rogers (Consultant lawyer in the art and cultural property group at Constantine Cannon)

Ed Powles (Partner, Maurice Turnor Gardner LLP)


Ceris Gardner (Partner, Maurice Turnor Gardner LLP)

Click here to register for the webinar on 29 April at 1.00 pm.

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