Cranfield University will host the international, online Cultural Heritage Crime Conference (CHCC). Three-day programme, scheduled on 12-14 July 2021, will focus on the themes of Theft and Trafficking, Looting and Damage during Armed Conflict, and Fakes and Forgeries.
With presentations from law enforcement, art market professionals, lawyers, military personnel, and heritage experts, CHCC 2021 will offer attendees an invaluable insight into the practical, legal and ethical implications of cultural heritage crime.
The conference will be held online from 10-17:30GMT. If you would like to attend, please register here. Partecipation is free of charge.
Diplomata in Scultura al Liceo Artistico Statale di Benevento, ha proseguito i suoi studi in Conservazione e restauro dei beni culturali presso l’Università degli Studi di Urbino conseguendo l’abilitazione come restauratrice. È specializzata in Arts Management e in Archeologia giudiziaria e crimini contro il Patrimonio Culturale. Co-founder dell’Associazione Art Crime Project, editore di The Journal of Cultural Heritage Crime. Membro del Direttivo Associazione Massimo Rao, è responsabile della Pinacoteca Massimo Rao. Vive e lavora a San Salvatore Telesino (BN).