New course in English at Palazzo Spinelli
Cultural heritage is increasingly becoming prey to atrocious attacks aimed at eliminating the identity of peoples and communities. This Course aims to accompany participants in the transversal analysis of the phenomenon of illicit trafficking in cultural property in its multiple dimensions: criminological, legislative, political, economic, cultural and ethical. The Course develops as an immersive thematic path that combines the ‘frontal’ component and highly topical content with guided brainstorming activities, active reflection, critical analysis, viewing of videos in English, and pair/group work.
The Course includes a laboratory exercise on provenance research carried out in collaboration with Dr. Christos Tsirogiannis, Forensic Archaeologist, Leader of the Working Group on Illicit Antiquities Trafficking of the UNESCO Chair on Threats to Cultural Heritage and Cultural Heritage-related Activities at the Ionian University.
The Course will take place remotely, on the Google Meet platform allowing for continuous interaction with the Lecturer while staying comfortably at home. The Course is held by Prof. Alesia Koush in collaboration with Dr. Christos Tsirogiannis.
SCHEDULE: the Course will be held every Tuesday and Thursday from 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM from 2 May 2024 to 11 June 2024 for the total of 24 hours and will be held online on the Google Meet platform.
ADMISSIONS: the course is open to all applicants; It is not necessary to have specific previous knowledge in the field, though any background knowledge would be a plus. The course is held in English, therefore a good working knowledge of the English language is recommended.
- Fee reduction of 20% for applicants who enrol before 2 April 2024;
- Fee reduction of 30% for former students of postgraduate diploma courses and three-year vocational courses at the Institute;
- Fee reduction of 30% for members of Art Crime Project.
QUALIFICATION: All participants will receive a certificate of attendance upon completion of the course.
To know more:
Tel. 055 213086

The Journal of Cultural Heritage Crime (JCHC), con sottotitolo L’Informazione per la Tutela del Patrimonio Culturale, è una testata giornalistica culturale, registrata presso il Tribunale di Roma con n. 108/2022 del 21/07/2022, e presso il CNR con ISSN 2785-7182. Si configura sul web come contenitore di approfondimento, il primo in Italia, in cui trovano spazio i fatti che quotidianamente vedono il nostro patrimonio culturale minacciato, violato e oggetto di crimini. I fatti sono riportati, attraverso un linguaggio semplice e accessibile a tutti, da una redazione composta da giornalisti e da professionisti del patrimonio culturale, esperti nella tutela. JCHC è informazione di servizio, promuove le attività di contrasto ai reati e sostiene quanti quotidianamente sono impegnati nella attività di tutela e valorizzazione del nostro patrimonio culturale.