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INTERPOL and Europol support investigators from 25 countries in the fight against criminals exploiting cultural heritage

(Tempo di lettura: 4 minuti)

LYON, France – The eighth edition of an Operation Pandora saw customs and law enforcement authorities from 25 countries join forces against international art trafficking. Led by the Spanish Guardia Civil, with the support of Europol and INTERPOL, the operation resulted in 85 arrests and the recovery of more than 6,400 cultural goods.

During Pandora VIII, several thousand checks were carried out at airports, ports and border crossing points, as well as in auction houses, museums and private residences. Law enforcement also patrolled the web and conducted 6,000 online checks, leading to the recovery of 580 stolen goods. A total of 113 criminal and 137 administrative cases are still ongoing, with more arrests and seizures expected.

Italy’s Carabinieri seized over 2,000 fragments of ceramic and lithic artifacts
Spain’s Guardia Civil seized a private collection of 350 objects
43 ancient amphorae were seized in Greece
Spain and Ukraine cooperated to recover 11 gold items worth EUR 60 million
Operational highlights

Pandora VIII resulted in the recovery of the following stolen artefacts, among others:

International cooperation between countries and agencies

INTERPOL supported Pandora VIII by facilitating the exchange of information between participating countries, notably with the Balkan countries. A dedicated officer was also available throughout the operation to check frontline seizures against INTERPOL’s Stolen Works of Art Database and support officers on the ground in their use of the ID-Art mobile application.

As a co-leader of the operation, Europol played a key role by facilitating information exchange and providing analytical and operational support to the individual national investigations.

Operation Pandora, which was first launched in 2016, is an annual law enforcement operation. It is carried out in the framework of the European Multidisciplinary Platform Against Criminal Threats (EMPACT).

Participating countries:

Albania, Austria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Croatia, Cyprus, France, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Malta, Montenegro, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Spain, Serbia, Sweden, Ukraine, United Kingdom.

[Source: INTERPOL].

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